When it comes to selfies we're a bit "self-ish".
We want it all. We want to make selfie taking fun, easy and gratifying for everyone. We want you to be able to capture every moment from unique heights and angles that cannot be done with a handheld camera. We want you to get great shots of your life while you lead it and allow you to snap off that perfect chin shelf shot whenever and wherever you want to. We want it and we got it.
Welcome to the aerial camera era. Welcome to AirSelfie.

We’ve come a long way in a very short time.
Back in 2014 we had a vision of a new way to take hands-free selfies ... from the air. Countless hours of research, innumerable sketches and early prototypes later the world’s first aerial camera took flight.
Since we introduced the original generation of AirSelfie aerial cameras we’ve made many industry disruptive advancements and ground-breaking innovations that have reimagined selfie taking.

An aerial camera in every garage.
Our unstoppable drive to design and build aerial cameras for every type of selfie taker keeps us pushing the envelope of aerial selfie taking. Each AirSelfie device has been uniquely designed to appeal to a group of selfie enthusiasts with their own lifestyle, personality and budget.
Find your selfie.